
Monday, January 31, 2011

Product of the Day: Dugouts

Today's Product of the Day is the Dugout!!! Dugouts are an amazing device for the traveling smoker. The top of a dugout twists open, and there are 2 compartments: one holds your tobacco and the other holds your cigarette-style one-hitter. Take the one-hitter, push and twist it into your tobacco compartment, and BAM! You're ready to smoke!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Myxed Up Knows Detox

Do you need to clean out your system fast? We have several products which assure success. We not only match you to a detox product but we also make sure that you have the knowledge that you need for peace of mind.

Detox drinks:

Most detox drinks are designed to temporarily clean your system, and last from 4 to 5 hours. In general, you must be clean for at least 48 hours from ANY toxins (including caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and fatty, greasy foods) before using these drinks. There is a 1 to 2 hour process during which you will consume your detox product plus a specific amount of water (it is important to stick to this specific amount or you risk diluting your detox), and after this process is complete you will have a 4 to 5 hour window when you will be clean. Make sure you choose the right size detox drink, as they are specifically formulated for weight. Generally, if you weigh under 160 you will consume the smaller size, over 160 will consume a larger size. There are also Mega sizes available for those with a larger body mass.

Examples of these drinks are: Vale, Magnum, and Detoxify.

If you prefer pills to a drink, STAT may be a good product for you. The process is very similar to the drinks, but you take 5 pills plus a multivitamin.

If you cannot be clean for the full 48 hours before you detox, you may want to consider Zydot. Zydot has very similar directions as the other drinks, but you only have to be clean for 24 hours before you use it.

If you are looking for a more permanent detox solution, you may want to consider trying Permaclean. Permaclean is a 2 week process during which you will take a series of detox pills, and strictly avoid all toxins. After the 2 week process, you will be clean until you reintroduce toxins into your system.

If you want to be sure that your detox product is working, we do also carry self-testers which will test for a variety of toxins.

Magnum also makes a mouthwash detox product. If you want to detoxify your saliva, swish the mouthwash for 3 minutes – be sure not to swallow any, but you do want to coat the back of your throat. This detox is effective for approximately 45 minutes. Be aware that it will turn your mouth blue.

If you need to detoxify your hair, we also carry a shampoo product for this purpose. The shampoo is effective for approximately 6 hours.

Come in to any of our shops to find out which type of detox is best for your specific needs and situation. Our employees are trained experts in detox and will help you choose and give you very thorough directions for your product.

Monday, January 24, 2011


 We just got a TON of new glass in!!! This means we need to clear out the old to make room for the new. Come check out our CRAZY sale - Made in Oregon and Worked water pipes are currently 30% off!!!!! You won't get a better deal on MIO or Worked anywhere.

Greener Planet

Myxed Up has changed all of the lighting in the store to CFB's, electronic ballast fluorescent lighting and energy efficient LEDs. We now use 50% less energy at every location!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Local Glass VS Imported Glass

Myxed Up is proud to support our local artists. We are enthusiastically presenting some of the finest examples of Colorado made glass. We establish special relationships with our artists that assure we will have the best quality pieces on the market. Cheap imports can't compare!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Myxed Up Launches Myxed Up Media

We have developed an “in-house” team to keep us current to the world. We will provide useful information to enhance the quality of your life. We will promote special products, services, upcoming events, and more.
To contact the Myxed Up Media team, send us an email at or give us a call at 303-990-9933.
Thank you.

Monday, January 17, 2011

History of the Hookah

Today we are featuring Fantasia brand shisha as our Product of the Day, so this blog entry is to give you some info on the history of shisha and the hookah.

Hookahs originated long ago from the part of northern India which was once Persia, in the area which is now Iran. These early hookahs were primitive smoking devices made from coconut shells. As the hookah gained popularity, it became a status symbol among Indian aristocracy and gentry. The use of the hookah eventually spread to other parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, middle Asia, and the Arab sections of northern Africa. Hookahs also became extremely popular in Turkey during the time of the Ottoman Turks, specifically Murat the IV from 1623-1640. In Turkey, the hookah was known as a nargile.

The nargile, much like today's hookah, consisted of 4 parts: the agizlik, or mouthpiece, the lule, which was the top portion, the marpuc, or tube, and the govde, or water filled body. The body of the nargile was often decorated with a flower motif - a trend which often continues on today's hookahs. The mouthpieces were usually carved out of amber, as people believed that amber did not transmit sickness. Oak charcoal was used to burn a dark tobacco which was generally imported from Iran. This dark tobacco, called shisha (from the Persian word 'shisheh', meaning glass), was often mixed with honey or molasses and fruit. Some smokers added fruit, pomegranate juice, or rose oil to the water to flavor the smoke. The practice of adding strong flavors to the tobacco itself is a relatively recent practice which has only gained popularity in the last 20 years.

The nargile became very popular in the 19th and early 20th century with high class ladies in Asia and Europe, but it's popularity declined with the rise of cigarettes. Today, hookahs are enjoyed all over the world and there are many quality brands of shisha to choose from, including Fantasia, Layalina, and Al Faker.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

The History of Blunts

A ‘blunt wrap’ can be defined as “a sheet or tube made of tobacco used to roll cigarette tobacco in.” The first cigars were discovered by Christopher Columbus well over 500 years ago. The native Indians of Cuba made these primitive cigars (or ‘havanas’) out of the raw twisted leaves of cured tobacco wrapped in dried corn husks. Columbus and his men brought these cigars back to Spain with them, where the tradition spread. The first ‘modern’ style cigars were produced in Seville, Spain in the 1800’s. In these days, tobacco was very expensive, therefore cigars were only smoked by the rich, upper class citizens.
Originally, cigars had a tapered, pointed tip, but over time a new style of rolling became prevalent. These cigars had a broad, rounded tip, and were therefore called ‘blunts’. Blunts were first manufactured in Philadelphia, and were rolled from one continuous tobacco leaf. Eventually, the term ‘blunt’ was used to describe any cigar wrapped in a single leaf. Today, blunt wraps are actually made from a homogenized tobacco blend (tobacco paper, basically) rather than a single leaf.
Today, blunt wraps (recently often referred to as cigar wraps to distinguish them from their illegal counterparts) are sold on their own, separate from the tobacco. Flavored blunt wraps have become very popular. A few great brands to look out for are Kingpins, Juicy, Double Platinum, and Cyclones.  


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Featured Product of the Day: Nag Champa Incense

Our featured product today is Nag Champa incense. We often have people come into our shops and ask what smells so good. While we do carry many varieties of incense, Nag Champa is by far our most popular and the one we burn in our shops the most often.

No one knows exactly how long Nag Champa, specifically, has been around, but incense in general has been burned for thousands of years. Many historians believe that Nag Champa was probably first created by Hindu and Buddhist monasteries in Nepal and India. Over the years, as more Westerners began to travel to the East in search of enlightenment, Nag Champa was spread around the world. Today, Nag Champa is one of the most popular incenses in existence.

Nag Champa is made primarily from the flowers of the Champa tree. These flowers have an earthly, rich, and ethereal scent. These flowers are also called Plumeria in Western culture. While the ingredients of Nag Champa differ from company to company, many formulas also include sandalwood and halmaddi, a resin derived from the Ailanthus malabarica tree.

Nag Champa originally became popular in ashrams, in front of alters, and for personal meditation. Today, however, Nag Champa is enjoyed and appreciated by many people for both spiritual and non-spiritual reasons.



Welcome to the brand new Myxed Up Blog!!
While much of the Myxed Up online presence is aimed at making you the first to know about new sales and deals (for this, find us on facebook, myspace, and twitter!), our blog will be a little bit different. We will use this blog as a way to help you become more informed about the various products we carry. We will post articles and information on topics ranging from how to properly use detox, to why vaping is better than smoking, to the best methods for cleaning your tobacco pipes. At Myxed Up, we strive to provide top-notch customer service not only by being friendly and having everything you need, but being experts on the products we carry and passing this knowledge on to you.